Acne Vulgaris
Acne Vulgaris or acne is a typical human skin disease which occurs normally during adolescence and may continue into adulthood. Acne Vulgaris can be identify by having "seborrhea" (scaly red skin), "comedones" (whiteheads and blackheads), "papules" (pinheads), "pustules" (pimples), "noldules" (large papules), and scarring.

Whiteheads are caused when a pore is being fully blocked by sebum (oil), dead skin cells, bacteria which cause a bumpy white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads usually has a shorter lifespan than blackheads.

Blackheads Pores that are partially blocked by sebum, dead skin cell and bacteria are the cause of Blackheads, Skin's pigment exposure to air causes it to have black appearance. ("Types of Acne" A, [n.d.] )

Papules are inflamed red bumps with no head, squeezing papules causes scar.

Pustules are red circles with yellow or white center. They are also known as pimples and are very common among people going through puberty due to the increase in hormones.

Nodules are more severe than seborrhea, comedones, papules, pustules and noldules. It can permanently damage the skin. Nodules usually are big hard bumps under the skin and can be painful, they can last for months. Squeezing nodules is dangerous according to dermatologists.

Cysts are large severe type of acne, they are filled with pus, dematolory's treatment is required because cysts can be painful and likely to cause scar on the skin. "Types of Acne" A, [n.d.])


Acne Rosacea

            Acne Rosacea sometimes mistaken as Acne Vulgaris. They can be identifies as red rash occurs mostly on people whose age are 30 and above. They confined the nose, cheek, chin and forehead. Usually Acne Rosecea is accompanied by pimples and bumps. It is common for a women to have Acne Rosacea but they are more severe in men. People who suspect themselves of having Acne Rosacea are advised to consult a dermatologist immediately.( Mock, [n.d.])

Severe forms of Acne

Acne Conglobata is considered one of the most severe types of Acne Vulgaris. Acne Conglobata can be identify large lesions and can be seen around the face, chest, back, buttock, upper arms and thigh of a patient. Acne Conglobata are usually seen with blackheads somewhere around the lesions.

Acne Fulminans are similar to Acne Conglobata, the difference is instead of being accompanied my blackheads Acne Fulminans is accompanied by fever and aching of the joint, the pain can be treated with oral steroid.d
Gram Negative Folliculitus causes Pustules and cysts. The cause of Gram Negative Folliculitus is the use of antibiotic to treat Acne.

Gram Negative Folliculitus causes Pustules and cysts. The cause of Gram Negative Folliculitus is the use of antibiotic to treat Acne.

Pyoderna Faciale results in the appearance of pustules, nodules, and cysts. Pyoderna Faciale only occurred in women around the age of 20-40, it is painful and can cause permanent scarring,but they usually clears up within a year.

Muscular- Erythematous
Erythematous muscules due to resolving inflammatory acne lesions.

Hyperpigmented are typical in people with darken skin tone who picked their lesion.

Depressed Ice-Pick
These are sharp, deep, depressed scars, wider at the surface and narrow at the base. (Khunger, 2008)

Rolling: These are distensible, depressed scars with gentle sloping edges.

Boxcar: Are deep, punched out scars, wide at the surface and the base.

Elevated Hypertrophic
These are elevated, fibrotic scars, more common in males and frequently seen in the mandibular area of the face and back.

Keloidol: These are keloids developing in acne lesions, mostly occurred in male, on their back and chest.

Papular: Mostly seen on the chin and nose, these scars are raised, popular and fibrotic.

Bridging scars and sinus track: These are multiple linear scars, joined together by epithelial tracts containing foul-smelling products of sebum. (Khunger, 2008)


Dreno, B.,  Khammari, A.,  Orain, N.,  Noray, C., . Mérial-Kieny ,C, . Méry, S, and  Nocera, T.. "ECCA Grading Scale: An Original Validated Acne Scar Grading Scale for Clinical Practice in Dermatology. " Dermatology  214.1 (2006): 46. ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, ProQuest. Web.  23 October. 2010.

Khunger,N.   “Standard guidelines of care for acne surgery”. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2008;74:28-36. 30 October 2010. < http://www.ijdvl.com/text.asp?2008/74/7/28/42285>

Mock,John. The acne page. [n.d.].  23 October 2010.   <http://www.acnecontrol.net/acne.html>.

Types of acne. A.  [n.d.]  .23 October 2010.  <http://www.acne-skin-care-guide.com/types-of-acne.html>.

Types of acne
. B. The Acne Resource Center Online. [n.d.].  26 October 2010.   <http://www.acne-resource.org/acne-skin-care/types-of-acne.html>.

Valo ,Ville. How many type of acne are there?. [n.d.].  30 October 2010.  


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